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Dale Sharpe-Lee

Praise God from whom all blessing flow! 

My sisters, God didn’t bring us this far, just to bring us this far! Our path and journey to this time and place has been orchestrated, designated, and allowed by the grace of God.  What we thought was going to be two years from the last time we were together extended itself beyond anything we could have imagined… yet God.  I had no idea when He set the course of what He desired to be the focus of our journey, Positioned for Wellness, Letting Go Of Our Waterpots, He was going to first take us through in order to position us to be ready to grow through so when He opened the door we would be ready and prepared for the breakthrough.


2022 is our year of Challenge.  One of the definitions of challenge is; an objection or query as to the truth of something, often with an implicit demand for proof.  These last two years have been a reminder that we can’t fake it until we make it, we can’t carry the burden of the past, we can’t hold on to what use to be, we can’t pack away things we don’t want to deal it and we keep refilling our personal pot of mess and misery when the Lord has commanded us to Let It Go! “If you love me, show it by doing what I’ve told you” John 14:15 (message).  An implicit demand for proof.   


Throughout our journey we have gained new sisters and we have had some sisters who have been called home to glory.  We have had some hard times dealing with the challenges of life and we have had some healing experiences that have allowed us to run on to see what the end is going to be.   Therefore, don’t let anything distract or disturb your focus and determination to embrace what God has for you.


Remember our purpose of being with each other is to learn, grow and develop.  Be sure to attend all your sessions, participate, share, listen, learn and love.  Trust the Lord’s process of working through every session, sister to sister chat, connection, conversation that it is all working out for our good. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  Romans 8:28 NIV.


Once again, the table has been set.   Will you make the choice to eat or will you simply say, “Oh, I am full, no thank you. I don’t like that kind of food. I have already tasted that dish, so I don’t need to eat it because I already know what it tastes like. I don’t like who is serving the food therefore, I am not going to eat it”?  Choose your seat, pick up your plate and get POSITIONED FOR WELLNESS!


Your Forever Sister on the Journey of Wellness, Dale Sharpe-Lee

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